Would you like to obtain free shipping in your order? Learn more here. After adding the items you wish to purchase to your shopping basket, you can choose between various payment methods:
Make a bank transfer and quickly receive your package at home (order dispatch after payment confirmation).
MontepioIBAN: PT50 0036 0180 9910 0078 3366 8BIC/SWIFT: MPIOPTPL
Pay through any Multibanco ATM near you (immediate order dispatch). Example:
Entity: 11604 Reference: XXX XXX XXX Value: 0,00€
Ref.: TON.BR.TN2510XL
Ref.: TON.OKI.43872307
Ref.: TON.HP.CF244A
Ref.: TON.BR.TN2420
Ref.: TON.OKI.43872306
Ref.: TON.HP.CE505A
Ref.: TON.BR.TN3600XXL
Ref.: WT223CL